It's Nice To Meet You


Our projects


Your personal finance tracker

Boookings for gyms

Semplifica i tuoi corsi


Il tuo registro delle abitudini personale


Semplifica i tuoi appuntamenti


Level up your training


BeLeopard is a technology provider built for creating software solutions for both business and consumer customers.

  • What we have done and what we can do.

    We are able to deliver cross-platform applications by using consolidated as well as advanced technologies. We implemented with Java Spring for the backend, React for the web frontend whereas Swift and Flutter for the mobile. We’ve knowledge about conmtainerization (Docker, Kubernetes), mobile frameworks (Ionic). We are currently exploring different use cases in order to have an adequate picture of the businesses logic available on the market.

  • Why us

    By developing these cases, we want to give something more than what’s commonly offered by these cases. The user experience should be friendly for all the platforms for which the application is delivered. The applications we’ve delivered show how we care about design, usability, responsiveness, data input support and visualization.

  • User first

    In every software we develop, we enable the user to get in touch with us by sending an email to suggest new features as well as reporting bugs. This because we feel the duty to provide the best experience according to our skills and capabilities with as few compromises as possible. We assure the 24 hours window to solve critical bugs that prevent the application to be usable against its potentials.

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